Replace coolant in Toyota Previa including drain plug locations
Put in 4 liters of Biltema Longlife (Etylen) and 4 liters of desalted and oxygenfree water. Which equal 8 liters.
8 liters was about as much as I got out of it also.
You have to remove the shield sourounding the oilpan. It also helps to remove the shield so get access to the oilfilter. Atleast if you have some bad bults in the oilpan shield.
There are 2 drain plugs. 1 under the front cooler and 1 on the engine, besides the oilpan. Behind the oilfilter, looking from the front.
See video below how I did it, for more info.
Replace coolant in Toyota Previa including drain plug locations
Date: 2021-06-08