Blog about mostly the first version of Toyota Previa.
Previas are affectionately called "eggvans", "eggs", or "beans", because of their shape.
They are reliable and fits in a normal swedish garage. Mid engine makes them very road worthy.
They will become classics..
Toyota at it's prime; within the 90-era everything from Toyota was bulletproof, from the Lexus ls400 to corolla (including Starlets and Previa)
This post is about mounting a Trailer Hitch on a Toyota Previa from 1998.
The Brand of towbar I choosed: G.D.W made in Belgium
GDW = I'm pleased with the quality, it was in my opinion the smartest construction.
I've made a 2 part video showing the removal of bumper and the installation process... and all the problems along the way. Hope you find it of interest. :-)
Towing capacity for this tow bar: 1600 kg which is also maximum cargo for hitch installed in Toyota Previa..
Max vertical load on hitch: 75 kg.
First removing the rear bumper, plenty of rust dissolver fluid used around the bolts and nuts.
The ends of the hitch is attached to the car frame with carriage bolts and blocks of steel with round holes. ... Bumber goes outside the hitch.
No mods were necessary except drilling one hole on the buffer metal frame that the plastic bumper sits on.
Biggest problem was rusty bolts, some were very hard stuck and I pulled some apart (read broke them)
Clean rusty parts, screwdriver and a wire brush.
Rust protection used: boiled linseed oil
Part 1:
Installing a Trailer Hitch, a towbar on a minivan, part 2
Buying affordable oil for the Toyota Previa... The oil has good specification.
W5 Supertech Engine Oil 5W-40 (179 SEK / 5 Liter)
W5 Supertech Engine Oil 5W-40 is a progresssive engine oil which enables to save fuel. W5 Supertech Engine Oil is made with synthetic fundamental components which meet the hi-tech aspirations of the modern motoring generation and guarantee both a low viscosity (SAE classification: 5W) and, at the same time, low levels of evaporation-related wastage. W5 Supertech Engine Oil is suitable for energy-saving use throughout the year in all modern four-stroke and diesel engine cars and was specially developed for use with turbochargers and catalytic converters.
Specification: ACEA A3/B4, ACEA A3/B3-10, API SN/CF
Approved according to/complies with: VW 502 00, 505 00, MB 229.3, Porche A40, Renault RN 0700/RN 0710, GM-LL-A/B-025 (level), JASO MA2 (level), BMW Longlife-01 (level).
The slightly cheaper variant (159 SEK / 5 Liter)
W5 Ecotech Engine Oil is a high-performance engine oil whose added components, select base oils and specific viscosity enable energy-saving engine performance. W5 Ecotech Engine Oil contains synthetic base oils which meet the hi-tech aspiration of the modern motoring generation by guaranteeing both low viscosity (SAE classification: 1oW) and, at the same time, low levelse of evaporation-related wastage, no engine clogging and outstanding test run results.
W5 Supertech Engine Oil is suitable for energy-saving use throughout the year in all modern four-stroke and diesel engine cars. It is guaranteed to keep engines clean – even when they are multi-valved, direct injection (diesel) or used with turbochargers and catalytic converters.
Specification: ACEA A3/B4, API SN/CF, ACEA A3/B3-10. Approved according to/complies with: MB 229.1, VW 501 01 / 505 00 (level)
"Lidl har ibland på vårkanten 5W-40 olja i sitt sortiment under sitt varumärke W5 någonnting för 40:-/litern, passa på att hamstra och köp hem ett eller par flak att ha i garaget.
Lär vara samma som, motorgold supertec 5W-40 samt pennasol superpace 5W-40
en ganska tjock olja med en kinematisk viscositet på 14,5 vid 100C+"